Important Information to Tell Your Home Builder During Design

HomeBlogImportant Information to Tell Your Home Builder During Design

Building a home gives you the opportunity to get exactly what you want instead of scouring the existing real estate market for a property that only checks a few of your boxes. During your first meeting with your home builder, provide them with the following information, so the design of your new home comes out exactly as you envisioned.

Important Information to Tell Your Home Builder During Design

  • Your Budget—Your home builder needs to know exactly what you can spend on your new home. If you have some flexibility in your budget, let them know this, too.
  • Your Needs and Wants—There may be some things you want in your home but don’t necessarily need. There may also be things you need that are nonnegotiable. Tell your home builder exactly what you need from your home and the features that would be nice to have but are not mandatory.
  • Your Optimal Home Size—How big do you want your home to be? Are you interested in downsizing, or do you plan on having more kids in the next few years? Talk to your builder about your requirements for square footage, number of bedrooms, and number of bathrooms.
  • Any Special Requests—You may want an open floor plan design, or you may need your downstairs guest bathroom to be wheelchair accessible. Think about any special requests you have for your new home and let your home builder know at this first meeting.